Saturday, March 21

Be a Voice, Not a Echo - Connect With Your Destiny by Tiana Nicole

Tiana Nicole, Author and former Editor-In-Chief of Konect Magazine

Topic:  Be a Voice, Not a Echo - Connect With Your Destiny by Tiana Nicole
Book:  You're Not the Boss of Me: Goodbye Fear, Hello Success by Tiana Nicole

Listen to her Crown Holders message:

Tiana Nicole, the Author of You're Not the Boss of Me-Goodbye Fear, Hello Success mission is to empower, encourage, and inspire like-minded women to reach their goals through personal development, charter building workshops, business advice, and the resources needed in order to conquer their aspirations.

With You're Not the Boss of Me, Tiana Nicole discovers the value of women determining the tools needed to face fear-an unpleasant emotion all women have to find the courage to conquer. 

Many women are fearful of following their dreams because their unsure of what will be at the top of the staircase, if they take the initial step. Because fear is the opposite of desire, Tiana Nicole reveals to women how the beast of fear can cripple their dreams, not allowing them to manifest their aspirations. 

You're Not the Boss of Me is a book that has been written to portray a deceptively uncomplicated scenario, with an important message meant to modify the way women cope with fear, in order to achieve the ultimate success and desire. 

Tiana Nicole challenges fear reminding it that "You're Not the Boss of Me" by unveiling to women, comprehensive and effective methods on how to successfully manage fear as they move forward with their lives fearlessly.

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