Thursday, March 31

FORGIVE AND LET IT GO! by Rugina Poellnitz

by Rugina Poellnitz

'. . . Forgive whatever grievances you . . . have against one another . . . as the Lord forgave you.' Colossians 3:13

Has your heart been convicted to forgive? Are you ready to forgive and let it go? Have you had enough of walking forward while looking backwards? Alternatively, are you resisting God's tug on our heart to let it go? Do you believe that the offense was too heinous and perpetrator unrepentant? Have you carried unforgiveness in a certain area for so long that you are not sure of how to move forward? Saints, I pray that God speaks to each of our hearts through this devotional. 
Forgiveness is a foundational pillar in our relationship with God.  It is His will that we live unshackled and free of hindrances, burdens, and baggage from our past. He is a God of the present (with all of its beauty) and the future (with all of its promises). Unfortunately, we can block the beauty and promises by refusing to forgive and let it go. 
Admittedly, this is not an easy area and requires some reflective work from us - in some cases. In other cases, it may not be wise to think on the offense - other than to get the lesson and blessing from it. As with all things in life, there is a lesson to be learned in each situation and a blessing that God allowed to flow from it. 
For some situations, it may be difficult to see the blessing but rest assured that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord. Simple translation as it relates to this subject - no matter the situation - God can turn it into something that transforms our lives while drawing us closer to Him. Please join me as we forgive and truly let it go!  We pledge to leave it where we dropped it - in God's capable hands while we practice the steps to move ahead described below.

A group of doctors was asked which emotions cause the most physical illness. Their answer was 'anger and unforgiveness,' because over time they release deadly toxins into your body. That is why Paul says, '. . . do not let the sun go down while you are still angry' (Ephesians 4:26 NIV).

So, when you have been treated unfairly what should you do? Take these four steps:

1. Confront. There's a right time, place and way to do this. Before you do, pray and ask God to guide your thoughts and your words. Then say what is in your heart in a low-key, non-judgmental way. After that, leave the rest to God; He will do a better job of changing things than you will.

2. Release it. No only does God require us to forgive each other, He gives us the grace to do it. You may let someone off your hook but that does not mean they are off God's! He will deal with them the right way and bring about the right result -- something you cannot do.

3. Remember how often God forgives you.  Paul says, 'Forgive . . . as the Lord forgave you.' (Colossian 3:15) When you are tempted to lick your wounds or lash out, recall the price Jesus paid to take away your sins. Looking through those eyeglasses will help you to forgive anybody.

4. Pray for the offender.  Forgiveness means refusing to let the wrongdoer keep on hurting you. God said, '. . . pray for those who hurt you' (Matthew 5:44 NCV). Without showing mercy, life becomes an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. But as you walk in love, you experience freedom.

History of Morning Teas by Rugina Poellnitz
Morning Teas were written by Diann Thomas and distributed by Linda Cunningham-Hames. My role in them is to (1) read as a personal devotional and (2) write a mini intro posing questions and a message of encouragement.

During 2011, Diann Thomas passed away unexpectedly and sadly, Linda Cunningham-Hames passed away on July 24, 2012. I've never met either in person, corresponded with Linda via email, and never corresponded with Diann. We were connected via technology and hearts for God.

Going forward, I intend to continue to share Morning Teas in their honor (as well as add my Mother, Evelyn Carter-Pete, since she prayed and inspired me (and others) to live faithfully and abundantly prior to her passing in 2007). Black Pearls Magazine Publishes the Morning Teas.

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