Dr. Deana Murphy, Certified Positive Psychology Practitioner, Minister and SoPositive Coach.
Topic: Eliminating Inner Chao - Stop Chasing Dreams. Listen to her Sisterhood session today: http://www.audioacrobat.com/sa/WTYsfLKT
Topic: Wellness vs Well-being: Moving From Functioning to Flourishing. Talking points are:
1) Wellness and well-being differences
2) 9 Characteristics of a Wellthy culture
3) Outsmarting stress
4) Raising resilience
5) The resilient female leader
Message from Dr. Deana - When I discovered positive psychology and its theories on happiness, positive emotions, and wellbeing, I realized there was a name for what I am interested in and what I’d been teaching my clients in LifeDesign. There is a whole science and a plethora of research by famous psychologist who were studying the things that actually mattered to me! With Certified Applied Positive Psychology Practitioner (CAPP) status, I am able to articulate the theory, the methods and the research basis to what I do. It makes me more skilled. My sense of authority and confidence flourished.
Meet the Expert On Well-being
A take-charge businesswoman and media personality, Dr. Deana is a passionate spiritual leader and behavior #wellBEING trainer certified in applied positive psychology. She created The wellBEING Lab to support the workforce and other individuals on social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs and for acquiring understanding of their unique combinations of strengths.
Her #LifeToolsForTheWorkplace provides support both for-profit and social-sector organizations to cultivate an engaged and satisfied culture and lead others towards their highest potential so everyone can thrive in constant change.
Working at the intersections of economics, business, design and theology added to her wisdom in spiritual leadership, Dr. Deana began to formalize her curiosity in the latest action-research of cognitive, social and emotional behavior — linking scientific evidence with Scripture and its relationship to performance.
She integrated the newest discoveries in human behavior sciences into a springboard for the concepts she defines as Positive Organizational i.q. and SoPositive Leadership Coaching to facilitate large-scale wellBEING employee assistance trainings that rouse better performance, higher productivity, fuller engagement in work and life.
Her research and advice has received attention from CBN, O (Oprah) Magazine, Huffington Post, Fine Living, HGTV, Panache Publication, Meredith Books, Exceptional People and is on the list of top 50 minority businesses by the Philadelphia Business Journal and was honored as a woman of outstanding leadership by The International Women’s Leadership Association. She’s a former adjunct educator, has authored three books and is an affiliate member of the Institute of Coaching at McLean Hospital—a Harvard medical school affiliate.
Resilience: Living Life by Design by Dr. Deana Murphy
What makes one woman give in to failure and another rise up and succeed against the odds?
No matter where you are today, you have untapped potential that will take you everywhere you want to go. From the experiences of 12 women, this compilation speaks to talented women leaders and entrepreneurs with the purpose of helping to turn their restlessness into a strategy and showing them how to maintain their spiritual and emotional center during hardship.
After reading Resilience, you will know how to:
• Recognize and remove the enemies of resilience—the unhelpful thoughts, actions and reactions, or the outside obstacles that automatically show up to influence you.
• Override destructive behavior by turning reactions into resilience—learning to live with intention by letting go of what you cannot control and living in harmony with what you can.
• Build resilience through the power of living life by design so you can realize a sense of purpose and reach higher levels of identity and self-actualization, letting go of victim-consciousness and accepting personal responsibility.
• Pursue resilience by developing the attributes of self-awareness, patience, perseverance, inner power and becoming action-oriented to successfully advance after adversity.
Purchase Resilience: Living Life by Design by Dr. Deana Murphy
About the Featured Speaker
Dr. Deana Murphy is an executive wellbeing consultant who founded DecisionLab Global and designed The r4 Lead2Flourish methodology because in spite of their training, executives and their teams were still floundering in one or more life domains. Dr. Deana organizes and facilitates The Lead2Flourish practices and has taught thousands of people how to shift behaviors, identities and mental models to take back control of their intellectual health and build flourishing lives and organizations.
As an applied positive psychologist, former corporate executive and founder of several companies, Dr. Deana draws upon her extensive operational experience in supporting individuals to concretely implement the Lead2Flourish tools in the workplace.
Dr. Deana was recently invited by dignitaries in Johannesburg, S.A.; Lagos, Nigeria and New Delhi, India. Her advice has appeared in O Magazine, Huffington Post, Thrive Global, HGTV, South Africa FM, Fine Living, Meredith Publications and others.
Included in her diverse resume are leadership roles with JP Morgan Chase, Citicorp; an adjunct instructor, award winning bestselling author, founder of a women’s consultancy and an interior architecture consultancy.
With a Ph.D in Theological Psychology from Chesapeake Bible Seminary and a diploma in Applied Psychology from The Flourishing Center (UPenn), Dr. Deana is currently working on a book on The Lead2Flourish methodology. Her undergrad work includes a BA in Economics from City University of NY and Interior Architecture Design from Northampton College.
Decisionlab Global is an executive wellbeing firm and pioneer of The r4 Lead2Flourish Initiative — dedicated to giving every leader a more conscious, intentional approach to living and leading — partnering with organizations and executives in taking back control of their intellectual health and excelling in decision making and problem solving skills.
50+ years of empirical research and practical application from the founding principals in the fields of behavior science and applied psychology evolved this methodology into a carefully designed set of initiatives whose results speaks for themselves. We are committed to leveraging this evidence-based methodology to disrupt unhelpful behaviors, bring your professional aspirations to life and meet the challenge of today’s unrelenting workplace demands.
Decisionlab Global Website:
Lead2Flourish Initiative...Where established women leaders flourish
Website: https://lead2flourishwomen.com
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