Thursday, March 31

How to Publish Yourself by Marian L. Thomas

How to Publish Yourself
by Marian L. Thomas

For the last couple of months, perhaps years —you have stared at a monitor, pecked away at a keyboard and searched the depths of your imagination for something real, fresh and captivating that will show the world who you are from a written page.  Finally, you have put your last period at the end of a sentence and sat back with a smile of disbelief.  Did you just finish writing your first book? Will it be a bestseller? Yes, and Maybe.

Okay, why did I say maybe?  When you decided to begin your journey to authorship, you also decided to publish yourself.  To put 'you' out there to all who have never heard of 'you' before.   It's a scary thought, but such a reality that stares you in the face and asks "are you ready?"   A valid question.  So just how do you go about getting not just your book published but you for that matter?

Before I answer that, remember this fact: that one can have an amazing book, an amazing cover, and the best story out there, but if you fail to publish yourself who will know it?
So when should you begin the process of  'publishing you' ? It is highly recommended that you begin this process before your book hits the online venues and brick and mortars. Actually, studies have shown that you should begin to market yourself at least three months prior.  How?

Here are three steps to help get you started on the task of publishing yourself.

Step 1- 
Do research on developing a marketing plan—a game plan on how you are going to get your name out there. It's amazing what the www. can do for you. Use it.

Step 2-  Get on social media sites and begin making connections. Who knows better how to market yourself than other authors that have done it. Ask questions, take notes and continue to step 3.

Step 3-  Get a blog going and use the research information you found in step 1 as your posts. Select different topics each week. If they came from another blog-make sure you link back to them.  Not only do you help other fellow bloggers who might return the favor for the link back to them as the publishing source, but it helps to get your name out there in the writing community as a great resource.  People like freebies, advice and places they can go to get questions answered.  Become an expert on some topic that is worth them coming to your blog about.

About the Author 
Marian L. Thomas
,  reared in Chicago but lives with her biggest-supporter—her husband and their spoiled but playful dog, Winston in Atlanta, Georgia. Her debut title, Color Me Jazzmyne, went on to become an Amazon Best-Seller and was ranked as one of the  " Top 100 Books" -1st Qtr 2010 by the Sankofa Literary Society Review.

Marian welcomes the release of her second book,  My Father's Colors-The Drama-Filled Journey of Naya Monà Continues  on  March 1, 2011  to online retailers,,  Barnes &,  Kindle and Nook.  Be sure to get your copy today! It is sure to be another Best-Seller for the author as it takes you on the journey of four individuals that lead to one destination filled with betrayal, lies and shocking secrets.   

Ready to Purchase Your Copy of   My Father's Colors-The Drama-Filled Journey of Naya Monà Continues?  Click Here.  Visit the author's website:

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